Monday, 24 May 2010

The New Politics

It's been a long time since I posted anything, so this is an attempt to revive myself a bit.

Anyway, away from cycling, I've had lots of thoughts about the results of the recent election. It's an interesting time, and it's pretty much impossible to tell how it's going to play out. That said, I get some fantastic pleasure right now from watching the maniacs on the right wing of the Conservative Party, and in the media.

The daft idiots firstly don't seem to understand that they didn't win the election. So they're deeply upset at the failure of their government to implement the full Tory program. Livid, almost. Read, for example, the mad Fraser Nelson trying to explain that, in fact, the Tories didn't get a huge majority because they weren't mad and right wing enough, and didn't blather on more about immigration.

They haven't spotted that, in fact, Cameron became popular when he went off from early 2000s Tory obsessions and actually tried to present a moderate face. Stuff about immigration may appear to be popular with the public, but in fact voters mostly seem to want generally moderate leaders, rather than leaders that match their exact opinions.

But, in addition, there's the bilious anger against David Cameron every time he bends slightly to accommodate the Lib Dems. I love seeing this bilious anger. If Melanie Phillips and Fraser Nelson are angry, it can't be all bad, can it?

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